//創(chuàng)建數(shù)據庫create database school;
create table info (id int not null primary key auto_increment,name char(10) not
null,score decimal(5,2),hobby int(2));
#primary key 主鍵 auto_increment 自增列
desc info;
select * from info inner join hob where info.hobby=hob.id;
select info.name,score,hob.hobname from info inner join hob where
select i.name,score,h.hobby from info as i inner join hob as h where i.hobby=h.id;
統(tǒng)計count(): 可以改為1
select count() from info;
平均值avg ()
select avg(score) from info;
show databases;
use myschool;
show tables;
select from info;
insert into info (id,name,score) values ('tianqi',55); #前后匹配,如果為空:null
mysql> select from 表名 where id=2[and name=?] [or name=?]
update info set score=75 where id=6;
delete from info where name='test'; #整行刪除
drop table info; drop database school;
select from info where 1=1 order by score ; asc--升序,可不寫 #默認升序
select from info where 1=1 order by score desc ; desc--降序
索引:快速查詢數(shù)據 條件:數(shù)據數(shù)目大于兩千條 相當于一本書前的目錄頁
create index 索引名稱 on tablename 列;
id name score address hobby
create index id_index on info(id); 創(chuàng)建普通索引
show index from info \G; 查看索引折行顯示
drop index id_index on info; 刪除索引
create unique index id_index on info(id); 創(chuàng)建唯一索引
alter table info add primary key(id); 主鍵索引
alter table info add column age int(3); 添加列
alter table info drop column age; 刪除列
create table infos (descript TEXT,FULLTEXT(descript));全文索引,descript列名描述
create index multi_index on info(name,address); 多頁索引,講兩個條件聯(lián)合起來進行
姓名 余額
張三 100
李四 200
張三轉賬100 to 李四
begin 開始
updata bank set money=money-100 where name='zhangsan'
updata bank set money=money+100 where name='lisi'
commit 提交
savepoint s1; 設定回滾點
rollback to savepoint s1; 回到s1回滾點
set autocommit=0 禁止自動提交
set autocommit=1 開啟自動提交
rollback 回滾
原子性 不可分割
一致性 前后結果保持一致
隔離性 事務之間隔離,互不影響
持久性 一旦執(zhí)行成功,不可更改
視圖 數(shù)據庫中的虛擬表
create view 視圖名稱 AS
select 語句
select * from info where score > 80; 查看大于80分的人
create view score_view as select * from info where score >80; 形成視圖進行查看
select * from score_view; 查看視圖
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